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​ Representative Hiroshi Yamaguchi

We aim to develop Japan's small and medium-sized enterprises.

ホーム: ようこそ!
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By visualizing work processes and eliminating individualization and waste, we can standardize work, increase efficiency, improve productivity, improve the working environment, and reduce costs.

We provide training that is most suitable for our customers, such as rank-based training, logical thinking, and 1on1, via videos and face to face.

From acquiring the knowledge and skills required for sales“Achieve results by leading to behavioral change”Build a sales model through practice.

​Business process transformation

In order to achieve further growth, we need to review the present and improve for the future.

"Currently, there are no particular problems..."

"I've always done things this way..."

In fact, therein lies the problem.

Eliminate "waste" and eliminate "duplication" and "leakage".

As a result of our efforts, we will develop strategies to utilize the capital generated and link it to further growth.

We will advance this series of initiatives together.

<Case study>

・Delivery reform at retail stores

・Customer management process reform, etc.

ホーム: 業務プロセス変革
ホーム: セミナー・研修


While we would like to develop human resources through seminars and training,

“I can’t follow up on practical skill improvement.

“Training requires man-hours and costs.”

"I can't adapt to each employee..."

Do you have such troubles?

We provide customized training at reasonable prices based on careful interviews.

Both video and Face to Face are available.

<Case study>

·new employee training

・Management training

・Management training

・Logical thinking seminar

・Communication training

・1on1 training

・Time management training

・Health management seminars, etc.

Sales training/organizational development

We will transform our sales organization into one that is close to our customers and able to propose solutions to management issues.

​“I can’t escape from selling things”

“We cannot dig deeper into issues that the customer is not yet aware of.”

“I want to create a proactive sales organization.”

Do you have such troubles?

A sales professional will accompany you to your sales location and work with you to help you resolve any issues.

​We create a sales organization that can move strategically by repeatedly testing and testing hypotheses.

<Case study>

- Learned the "model" of proposals and transformed into an organization that can implement the PDCA cycle in the sales process.

・Suggest improvements to the work environment at business partners. Achieved improved engagement and transformed from a sales person to a strategic partner for customers.

・Propose to identify business bottlenecks and risks, realize cost reduction for customers, and become a trusted salesperson.

ホーム: 営業育成・組織開発

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